Florida Investment Oceanfront Homes | Real Estate

Florida Oceanfront Investment Homes and Real Estate

Florida’s East coast has some of the best opportunities for purchasing Oceanfront homes as income producing real estate investments, with the benefit of owning highly sought after waterfront property. While not producing rental income, Florida oceanfront investment homes can be used as a second or vacation home by the owners.

Oceanfront investment property, particularly in pristine Florida locations has attracted the attention of both US and foreign buyers. In today’s financial climate income producing oceanfront property provides added incentive to anyone in the Florida oceanfront investment real estate market. In addition to excellent prices and developer incentives, International buyers have the advantage of foreign currency strength ‚Äì making Florida investment property even more attractive.

Many developers, including Cranewoods, offer investors and second homebuyers assistance with turn-key furnishing packages for investment rentals and oceanfront vacation homes. The services of a concierge can also be provided to make sure that the house is stocked and ready to entertain when out of town or out of state arrive for a visit.

By utilizing the services of a property manager, oceanfront real estate investors can schedule rental availability for maximum cash flow, and schedule their own private use when the property is not rented. Either way, the owner has the option as to when and when not to rent. For areas like Daytona Beach for example, a Daytona Beach oceanfront home will command very high premiums during NASCAR events at the Daytona International Speedway, Bike Week, Biketoberfest etc. The higher rents commanded during these high demand periods can greatly increase the income and profitability of the Florida oceanfront investment home.

Renting oceanfront investment properties is made hassle free by using a property management service to handle bookings for rental income, cleaning and maintenance of the oceanfront investment property.

See the Cranewoods Project link for our unique selection of waterfront Florida investment properties.